Bridal and Evening Hairstyles Course
Bridal and Evening Hairstyles Course - Level 1
If you feel your salon work needs a “recharge” and some artistic inspiration, this course is designed especially for you. The track trains hairdressers and enriches their knowledge in women's commercial, creative and Bridels Hairstyles.
New Educational Program:
The course will expose you to the secrets of designing bridal, evening or other occasion hairstyles. This course increases your business’ profit opportunities. We will learn commercial styles alongside artistic hairstyles.
First Step to the world of hair design and artistry. The course gives an initial exposure to a high level of professionalism, through the use of the unique methods of hairstyles developed by the Motie Rubin team.
your work need a fresh perspective?
The course will expose you to the secrets of designing bridal, evening or other occasion hairstyles. This course increases your business’ profit opportunities. We will learn commercial styles alongside artistic hairstyles.
Course of Studies:
- DAY 1 the foundation of hairstyles for long loose hair, dividing into zones, familiarization with priporats, accessories and tools. Demonstration of different types of elements from technical to fashionable, their use in hairstyles. Types of wraps, curls in loose and collected hairstyles. The rule of drawing out strands is the creation of lines, the rule of fixing with hair spray, the work of styling. Various options for using wedding accessories: diadem, veil, Decoration and Use of heat-based devices such as curling irons, rollers, hair straighteners etc.
- DAY 2 - the foundation of hairstyles for long or medium collected hair, as well as for wavy and curly hair types. division into zones. Demonstration of different types of elements from technical to fashionable hairstyle. Types of wrapping, curls in the collected hairstyles work styling. Various options for using wedding accessories: diadem, veil, decoration
- DAY 3 - the world of braiding - the foundation of braiding and shaping hairstyles with braiding elements. In this lesson, you will learn techniques that will help you when creating without limited shapes and hairstyles with elements of braids, weaving techniques and braids.
- DAY 4 - Commercial -Technical work “The Rose” with a fashionable element of hair and Technical fashionable waves on collected hair.
- DAY 5 - Fixing material on the theory of hairstyles Step-by-step implementation of previously completed work and testing of new elements.
- Styling
- Psychology of communication with a client
- Awarding ceremony and presentation of certificates.
Work on Leading Fashion Stages:
Benefits to students who register:
• Guaranteed positions at the Motie Rubin Salons for students who excel.
• A professional experience, students involved in fashion productions, television and exhibitions.
Career Upon Completion of Studies:
Motie Rubin Hairdressing Academy
Tel Aviv Academy
159 Yigal Alon st, Tel-Aviv
Tel 972 (0)3-6091515, Fax 972 (0)3-6092111
Haifa Academy
26 Hanviim st, Haifa
Tel 972 (0)4-8484063, Fax 972 (0)4-8484062
Course Information
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For more details about this course, please fill out your details and one of our representatives will be happy to be at your service.
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